Woman doing her lip care routine by applying a lip balm

Do you find yourself dealing with dry, chapped lips on a regular basis? Don't worry, we've all been there! Despite efforts to keep your pout perfectly moisturized, life throws some unavoidable curveballs that make your lips look like an old prune.

But fear not: caring for dry lips is easier than you think. With just an ounce of proactive care and a suitable lip balm in arm’s reach, you can create a powerful lip care routine that will leave even the most stubbornly dried-out mouths looking healthy, soft, and kissable. Ready to learn how to have healthy lips? Let us show you an easy lip care routine for your everyday beauty regimen:

How to take care of your lips?

Keeping healthy, soft, and protected lips don’t have to be rocket science. All it takes is a bit of TLC and minimal effort. 

It's not enough to just douse your lips in lip balm every time you see a chapped patch. To take care of your lips, you need to develop a lip care routine *yes, they are as important as your skincare routine*. Why? Because your lips delicate skin is quite fragile, meaning anything, from the weather to the lack of care, can dry them out and cause uncomfortable symptoms like itchiness and cracking. That’s why, taking care of your pout is a must.  

Keep reading to find out what your lips need you to do for them!

The best skincare guide for your lips

Want to have perfect, soft lips? Then you need to implement this skincare for lips into your daily beauty regimen. Doing this ensures that your lips are hydrated and healthy, giving you the feel of a perfect pout!

A routine exclusively for your lips  is not only essential, but it's also fun! Follow this step-by-step guide that will result in soft, kissable lips.

1. Clean them up 

Everyone deserves to have perfectly pouty lips all day long. While there are plenty of lipstick formulas and shades out there, not many people know how to clean lips properly! To keep your pout clean and healthy use gentle cleansers combined with lukewarm water. This will remove dirt, oils, and any makeup residue that may have been left behind. 

For this step, there are many hydrating lip makeup removers that will help you get rid of all the nasties that may be ruining your perfect lip. Apply them with a cotton ball at night as the first step of your lip care routine

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliating your lips is key to getting them looking their best. Many of us overlook this simple step in our lip routine or are hesitant because we fear over-exfoliating them. However, lip scrubs are not only a great way to get rid of the dead skin cells from lip balms and lipsticks that build up during the day, but also can help keep your lips healthy and looking supple. 

Just be sure you choose a lip scrub gentle enough for your delicate lip skin and use it sparingly - gently exfoliating with lip scrub once or twice a week will make all the difference!

So, don’t forget to gently exfoliate your lips!

3. Pop a lip patch every now and then

Lip patches are one of the trendiest and most selife-worth additions to any lip care routine. These goodies are packed with hydrating lip serum full of emollients, like coconut oil and shea butter, hyaluronic acid, and vitamins, that penetrate deep into the skin of your lips and help soothe and hydrate them. These patches can give you the perfect botox-like full pout without having to go for harmful lip treatments.

Apply them 2-3 times a week to get amazing results.

4. Hydrate

And here’s where the moisturizing lip balm comes in. Not only does it provide an added layer of protection and moisture to your delicate lips, but, depending on the type you choose, they can even add a natural tint to your pout and make it look more supple. You can apply them throughout the day and before going to sleep.

The most important thing about lip balms is that they provide comfort to the itchiness and crackiness that comes with flaky lips. Plus, the hydrating ingredients in these products work as a shield that prevents moisture loss and attracts water into the skin, keeping your lips hydrated.  

Now, the real question is: how often should you apply lip balm?

Depending on how sensitive your lips are and how much time you spend outdoors, you'll have to decide how often works best for you! If you have severely dry lips, outdoor allergies or even if the weather condition makes your lips feel uncomfortable, then it's recommended that you apply a generous amount of lip balm roughly every hour or whenever they start to feel weird so they can stay hydrated. On the other hand, if your lips are generally in good condition and you don't spend enough time outdoors, then it probably isn't necessary to apply a lip balm that often, just when they're feeling parched or chapped.

And, if you don’t like a moisturizing balm, you can use a nourishing oil and apply it every now and then. 

Lip Care
Kisstin Balm Pink - Asian Beauty Essentials
Lip Care Kisstin Balm Pink
Sale price$40.00

5. Protect

When it comes to sun protection we generally think of sunscreen for the skin of our face, so many people tend to forget lip protection! As the skin on our lips is some of the most delicate and paper-thin, it's important to take extra precautions when exposing them to the sun. 

Look for a lip product, like a lip balm, that includes at least SPF 15 if not higher. This way, you can have peace of mind that your lips are completely protected from any sun damage or discoloration. Not only can sun exposure cause inflammation and discomfort, but over time it can lead to more serious issues like premature wrinkles!

Lip Care
Mini Fruit Lip Balm (Peach)
Lip Care Mini Peach Lip Balm
Sale price$10.00

6. Use a lip mask 

Lip masks are something that everyone’s skin is begging for. They provide a much-needed TLC and can tackle all lip issues - be it chapped, dry, or cracked, you name it. 

Overnight lip masks are the perfect way to say goodbye to waking up with cracked lips and hello to luscious lips. These goodies, as their name suggests, work during the night to repair lip damage and deeply hydrate and brighten the skin, resulting in softer and smoother lips. 

Some of the popular lip mask treatments involve ingredients such as beeswax, shea butter, hyaluronic acid, and Vitamin E, perfect for hydrating and softening lip skin overnight. So upgrade your lip treatment regimen with an overnight lip mask today!

Lip Care
apple lime laneige
Lip Care Lip Sleeping Mask Ex Apple Lime
Sale price$24.00

3 Must-Try Tips to avoid dry lips

Besides performing a lip care routine religiously, it’s important to take into account these 3 tips to banish dryness for good and get healthy lips all year round: 

1. Drink water during the day

The key to hydrated lips is the amount of water you consume per day, both in food and in liquids. 

Remember that habits such as intense sun exposure and contact with cigarettes lead to dryness and cracks in this area.

Hydration is vital, not only for your lips but also for your overall health. Drinking water throughout the day will help your lips stay super healthy.

2. Avoid constant contact with saliva

Even if you think that licking your lips is the key to calm the itchiness and weird sensation caused by dryness, the truth is that saliva dries the skin of the lips because it  can make them gradually lose the natural layer that protects them. 

Not only can this lead to dryness instead of hydration, but the excess saliva can also serve as a breeding ground for bacteria and other nasties that we'd rather not encounter. Lips are always important to keep in check, so make sure you keep yours looking smooth, healthy, and kissable by applying lip balm throughout the day and avoiding too much of your own saliva.

3. Always carry your favorite lip balm with you

Having lip balm with you is like having your insurance policy against dry lips. No matter if you're walking through the desert or in an office space with cold air, lip balm is always there to provide comfort and nourishment. So don't forget to pack your lip balm before leaving the house! Everyone has different preferences, some like chapsticks containing SPF, while others prefer rich shea butter lip balm, whatever appeals to you, make sure it's easily accessible in your purse, backpack, or pocket so you'll never miss a chance to soothe your pouts!

Lip Care
Shalala Snow Ball Lip Balm #02 Forest Of Fairy - Asian Beauty Essentials
Lip Care Shalala Snow Ball Lip Balm 02 Forest Of Fairy
Sale price$18.00 Regular price$32.00

Lip skin care products: Where to find them?

Lip care is a serious business! Everyone should have some lip skin care products ready to go in their beauty arsenal. Taking the time out of your day for a lip care routine helps keep them healthy and lip health should not be ignored. Typically, lip skin is much more delicate than other facial skin, so it's important to make sure your lips are always properly protected and nourished. There's no better feeling than having silky smooth lips that don't chap or crack easily, so invest in some awesome lip care products because lip health is key! 

Not sure where to find them? Fear not - look no further than Asian Beauty Essentials for a wide selection of lip skin care products that will finally banish all your pout woes and give you the kissable lips of your dreams. 

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